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Cyclone Power Technologies to Present All-Fuel Engine at National Algae Conference

engine3Pompano Beach, FL, Sept. 1, 2009. Cyclone Power Technologies will present its award winning, all-fuel external combustion engine technology at the National Algae Association Conference, to be held September 17-18 in Houston, TX.

The Cyclone Engine is a modern steam engine capable of running on virtually any fuel, including today’s most promising biofuels made from algae. In tests performed by the company earlier this year, the Cyclone Engine’s fuel atomizers and combustion chamber successfully burned several different varieties of fuel derived from algae without engine modification and, equally important, without expensive processing of the fuels.


“Algae is a wonderful fuel source,” stated Harry Schoell, CEO of Cyclone. “It has a high BTU content relative to other biofuels, and burns cleanly and efficiently in our engine.”

 The economic and environmental promise is enormous for this high yielding, carbon neutral fuel, which can be grown almost anywhere without competing with worldwide food supplies. Recently, major corporations such as Chevron, BP and ExxonMobil have made major investments in algae fuel production.

 The National Algae Association (NAA) is the leading trade organization for algae researchers, producers and financiers. The NAA’s conference, entitled Algae: The New Oil, will feature presentations covering a full range of subjects focusing on the commercialization of algae. It will be held September 17-18 at the Sheraton North Houston.

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1 comment to Cyclone Power Technologies to Present All-Fuel Engine at National Algae Conference

  • Leslie

    I think that the Axial Vector Engine by AVEC is also a very good candidate for Algae based fuels. It is a multi-fuel engine designed for many different fuels. Check them out!


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