Glascow Aiming High: Electric Vehicle and Charging Grid
Over £1.8m of funding has been awarded by the Technology Strategy Board to a consortium led by Glasgow niche vehicle manufacturer Allied Vehicles. The project will support the development and trial of electric cars in the city over the next two years. Members of the consortium also include ScottishPower, Dundee firm Axeon, who will develop the batteries for the electric vehicles, Glasgow City Council, The University of Strathclyde and Scottish Enterprise.
The aims of the project are to accelerate technological development, help encourage the take up of alternative fuel vehicles and to identify and resolve issues that may arise in the production and use of this type of vehicle in a daily-use environment. ScottishPower will work on developing the electricity network and charging points to support the scheme. Matthew Harwood, Director of Strategic Market Development at ScottishPower, said:
Allied Managing Director, Paul Nelson commented, “It’s great to have been awarded this funding for a project that will make Glasgow a leading player for the quest for green transport. After considerable research and investment Allied is set to take the lead in the production of electric vehicles. With the Technology Strategy Board’s funding, combined with the support of our consortium partners, Glasgow has the potential to become a centre of excellence for the development of zero emission transport.” Glasgow City Council’s Deputy Executive Member for Business and the Economy, Cllr Philip Braat, said: “We are delighted to be working with our consortium partners and the Technology Strategy Board to bring low carbon vehicles to Glasgow. Embracing these technologies is about creating a vibrant and successful future for the city; not only as Scotland’s greenest, but also one of the most sustainable cities in Europe.” |
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