Alternatives for current aviation and aerospace technology - 1 members
Discussion of altenatives for airplanes such as solar, fuel cell, alternative fuels etc.
Alternative fuels types - 1 members
Discussion group for fuel types such as biodiesel, ethanol,butanol,methanol,mixed alchohols, syn diesel,syn gasoline, etc
Powered by Air-Pnuematic vehicles - 1 members
Discussion group for pnuematic vehicle technology and news
Hydraulic Hybrids - 1 members
Discussion of hydraulic hybrid technology, performance and news
Ultra Capacitors - 1 members
Discussion of Ultra capacitor storage technology, performance,news etc
Hybrids - 1 members
Discussion group for all manor of hybrid designs, technology,performance, new etc.
Fuel cell vehicles - 1 members
Discussion group for fel cell vehicle technology, news , perfromance etc.
Electric Vehicles - 1 members
Discussions on electric vehicle technology and performance