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Algae the Biofuel of the Future

The San Diego Centre for Algae Biotechnology (SD-CAB) was established in 2008 as a consortium of researchers from The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), in partnership with private industry.  The center collaborates with the private sector to apply lab discoveries to the industrial [...]

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Alternative Liquid Fuels

Researchers Find Biofuel Combustion Chemistry More Complex than Petroleum-based Fuels

Cover of Angewandte-Chemie

Understanding the key elements of biofuel combustion is an important step toward insightful selection of next-generation alternative fuels.  And that’s exactly what researchers at Sandia and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories are doing.  The journal Angewandte Chemie devotes its May 10 cover to a paper co-authored by Sandia’s Nils Hansen and Lawrence Livermore’s [...]

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Proposed Algae-to-Biofuels Pilot Facility on Cape Cod

Plankton Power and RTDC have abouned a Consortium of local research-industry-government-military organizations collaborating to establish algae farm and biorefinery for production of renewable fuels.

 Plankton Power and the Regional Technology Development Corp. (RTDC) of Cape Cod announced the establishment of a public-private consortium focused on building a leading-edge facility to produce renewable biofuels from algae. Under the [...]

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NEW YORK,  – Indicating the true start of the Green Age, Sapphire Energy, the leader in algae-based renewable fuel, joined with the team behind the award winning film FUEL, to complete the first cross-country car tour fueled by a blend of algae-based gasoline in an unmodified engine. The Algaeus completed its 10-day, 3,750 mile US [...]

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Cyclone Power Technologies receives the "Algaepreneur 2009 Award"

Pompano Beach, FL, Sept. 22, 2009. ” at the National Algae Association Conference, held last week in Houston, TX.

 The Algaeprenuer Award honors companies and individuals who make important contributions to the development and commercialization of algae-based fuels. It is usually bestowed on algae fuel producers and marketers; however, Cyclone is the first honoree of the [...]

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Targeted Growth Unlocks Pathways to Dramatically Increase Algae Oil Content


Breakthrough could reduce cost for algal fuel production

SEATTLE (July 27, 2009) Bioscience firm Targeted Growth (TGI) today announced it has developed a way to increase the lipid content of cyanobacteria by approximately 400 percent. This discovery will dramatically increase the oil yield per acre, decreasing the cost of algae production and helping algae based [...]

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Prize Capital LLC is Preparing for a $10 million Algae Biofuels Challenge

Prize  Capital is creating a high profile, international competition to find sustainable alternatives to petroleum-based fuels. They are preparing to offer $10 million to the team that produces the best algae based biofuel.

The company has prepared some videos on the challenge below.

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Alternative Fuel Manufacturers

Massachusetts Company Claims to Produce Liquid Transportation Fuels from Sunlight & CO2

Joule Biotechnologies, Inc., an innovative bioengineering startup developing game-changing alternative energy solutions, recently unveiled its breakthrough Helioculture™ technology—a revolutionary process that harnesses sunlight to directly convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into SolarFuel™ liquid energy.

According to the company this eco-friendly, direct-to-fuel conversion requires no agricultural land or fresh water, and leverages a highly scalable system capable of [...]

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NH2 Fuel Cell Tractor from New Holland

Price of Addiction
to Foreign Oil

1st Manned Hydrogen Fuel Cell Airplane




Lexus LF-Ch Hybrid Concept


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Mercedes Concept Blue Electric Car

BlueZero extended

Mercedes Announces A Plugin


Honda’s New PCX Scooter

Honda PCX Scooter Tiawan

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